Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New computer calls for a new post.

I just got a new computer. It's awesome, but no one really wants to hear about it. So instead, let's focus on Diplo, who is pretty awesome. Well, at least I think he is. I mean, he put on a DJ set for 7 people. To do that without even flinching is pretty awesome in my opinion. Here is one fun highlight of the short set:

Philly was his last stop (and his hometown) in his Pizza Party tour (aka the Mad Decent tour). Quite the strange mix, but you should check it out at his myspace. If you forgot, he's the one who dated and worked with M.I.A., just to reiterate how cool he is. Here's something from his latest release with Santogold, Top Ranking:

Santogold - I'm A Lady (Diplo ft. Amanda Blank)

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Seattle is the coolest place in the world because....

of the guys pictured above. Well they aren't the only reason, but they're a pretty damn good one. Fleet Foxes have an amazing unique sound that I find hard to place in a specific genre. I've heard them describe themselves as baroque pop vocal harmonies, but in reality its just damn good music. What's even cooler is that they can do it live. Not everyone can take four piece harmonies, add a shit load of reverb and still sound anything like music without the aid of music editing software/other technologies. Go see them if you get the chance. Its breathtaking.

They feature a heavy use of pentatonics, which is the Asian sounding scale that you get if you play a piano using only black keys. For all of you who don't know what I'm talking about, check the end of the track "He Doesn't Know Why", there is a short piano melody played at the very end of the track after the singing. That's what pentatonics sound like. Remember it because its been thrown in a lot of indie music like MGMT just to name one. Penatonics in my opinion give the music a very "natural" sound which is another way I would describe the Fleet Foxes vibe. Very in tune with nature and harmony.  Anyway I'll put a couple of tracks off the CD as well as a track I found off of Hype that's not on their CD so all of you who already know and love Fleet Foxes will have something new to immerse yourselves in. The Album cover is quite sweet as you can see. 

Oh and a friend of mine just showed me this live feed...they kinda look like foxes so its relates...For all of those days when your sad and have run out of Barack Obama videos to watch to cheer yourselves up. Am I the only one who feels happy when I hear him talk? It's sooooo coool. 

Oh and on another note, I am trying a new file hosting site so you can listen to the music before you download to see if you like it. Let me know if it works and what you think. I'm still trying to figure out how to host the files directly on the website with a player, but I'm still pretty sure I would have to pay for that. Enjoy.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Now that the elections over...

Man what a night. I don't know about where you are all from but Boston was excited last night. People took the streets once Obama had been declared winner. It reminded me of the Red Sox riot last year except there was a reason for it. But looking past Obama, this was still a huge election. Proposition 8 in California passed, banning gay marriage there. The same ban passed in Florida and Arkansas as well. Colorado shut down a proposition to define human life at the moment of fertilization. Washington passed a bill to allow assisted suicide. And my personal favorite, Massachusetts decriminalized marijuana. Heavy. These are hard issues that are finally getting some decisions made on them. Its nice to see these issues get pushed into the faces of voters. Democracy at work. Though some issues obviously did not go so well, I think just getting the issues out to the public forces people to make decisions on them and will lead to change (for the better hopefully).  Anyway, enough with the politics...onto the music. 

Frightened Rabbits are a Scottish folk/indie band that's been taking up a lot of my listening time. The four piece crafts pop songs without defaulting to the pop formula we are usually left with. Scott Hutchinson's vocals highlight one of my favorite aspects of Scottish music. His slight accent with its imperfections and cracks creates a wailing that hits you deep. He's also not afraid of a minimalist background. From the opening of Modern Leper (Get it below), a simple guitar pattern with a heavy beat gets you moving to the beat. Slowly the vocals come in followed by sparse drums accenting the guitar pattern. They manage to take such a light sound and keep the groove while at the same time building intensity. That's good music people (In my opinion, but what does that really count for). When you can get people rocking and grooving to a simply texture like that you've got something. The song is topped off with folksy guitar licks here and there and huge climaxes that will make you want to jump and dance. The rest of the album is just as solid without much repetition. Plus the album has a cool cover. Let me know what you think.

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