Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back into the swing of things...

I must apologize for the delay in posting. I was taking a much needed break during the winter while planning on resuming once the school year started, but thanks to school that didn't happen. But I'll try to get organized and get some regular posting in. In my absence some highly anticipated albums have been released and shaken things up in the music world. I'll start off with Animal Collective...

Before Merriweather Post Pavillion I had simply written Animal Collective off as hipster hype. Their last album, Strawberry Jam just never reached me. It's off-beat loops and weird noises left me unsettled. Just watch the music video for "Peacebone" on youtube and you'll see what I mean. It's just damn weird. So when their latest album came out and started to get a shit load of hype, I was skeptical to say the least. Now I should probably mention I've listened to the song "My Girls" over a 100 times in the last few days. I just leave it on repeat. But seriously, check them out. The album is full of contrasting songs full of loops and and sweet rhythms that will keep you interested throughout its entirety. "My Girls" is an early favorite with fem-pop lyrics and bridge that will make you want to cry its so good. "Daily Routine" also stood out with its offbeat rhythm and high pitched keyboard loop. In every piece I've found some unique use of a sample or vocals in each song. 

My favorite whistling/violinist/singer/songwriter Andrew Bird also recently released The Noble Beast. From his previous works, The Noble Beast, shows to serve how technique has developed and matured. As you may know, Andrew Bird's music consists of crafting lush textures he floats his lyrics of off. While heavily influenced by folk/bohemian music, The Noble Beast has its pop moments which have landed the album #19 on Billboard. Pretty exciting for the indie world. A listen to a few of the tracks on the cd such as "Anonanimal" explains what the hype is all about. Bird is a genius with words. His lyrics flow with such poetiscism, at times its hard to distinguish his voice in the texture of the piece. Oh and I'm calling it now. Oh No will be in a commercial. I guarantee it. 

That's all for now. I promise to have some more posts up this week so check back often. Peace yall. 


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