Monday, February 9, 2009


So yall may notice a bit of a different look on the homepage. Steven was a beast and tackled the html coding I couldn't fix. Points for Steven. But back to why you all (and by all I mean the few readers we have) come here. I read pitchfork daily. No surprise there. Recently pitchfork nominated Antony and the Johnons new album, The Crying Light, as an album to check out of the new year and as he has one of the most unique voices out now a days, so I checked it out. If any of you are familiar with the track "Blind" from last years Hercules and Love Affair album, that was him...

Hegarty's trembling voice gracefully moves over soft textures of piano and strings in the opening track "Her Eyes are Underneath the Ground". A lone clarinet even sneaks its way in after the chorus finishes. With a voice as nonpareil as Antony Hegarty, I feel it's hard to go wrong. With a heavy folk and almost classical feel, The Crying Light lays a canvas with clarinets, strings, saxophone, recorders and piano which varies from lush textures to barely felt harmonies. Annoyingly, most the track titles seems to be taken from the first lines of the song. I also find that because his voice is so unique, many of the songs can sound similar. I personally preferred Hegarty in the electric disco groove of Hercules and Love Affair, but who am I.

The whole album has a very nature vibe to it as can been seen in the music video for Epilepsy is Dancing (via

I'm putting the mp3 to Epilepsy Is Dancing, which you can also hear above, and the track One Dove. I dig the scalar string runs and the saxophone. Hegarty also lays some nice vocal harmonies near the beginning. And I'm throwing in Blind because its such a damn good track. Enjoy.

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